Adtron I35MB Operations Manual
Rev. 003, PN: 610200094
Rebuilding a bank
After a bank has been replaced, a rebuild must be performed. To start a Bank
Rebuild, press the mirror control button between 5 and 10 seconds on the off-line
bank. Release the button when the Access LED starts flashing at 2 blinks per second.
The rebuild process begins, indicated by the Access LED turning solid green and the
Fault LED flashing green. When complete, the Fault LED changes from flashing
green to off. It is faster to do the rebuild when there is no host activity to the I35MB.
A rebuild operation copies the contents of the entire media at a rate of
roughly 5 MB/sec, requiring several hours for large capacities. Depending
on concurrent host activity, the rebuild process may be slowed. The higher
the level of concurrent host activity, the more the rebuild process may be
impacted (slowed).
Rebuilding a Bank Off-line
Only the power connection is required to do the rebuild if you want to have a
rebuild complete before bringing the drive on line. No host activity interruption
results in the fastest rebuild time.
Using Different Size Media
The I35MB can support different size drives in each bank and still operate the
mirroring function. The rules for this operation are as follows:
Media inserted to replace the factory original must have a capacity that is equal to or
greater than the original media size.
The capacity of the mirrored unit remains the same size as when shipped from the
factory. In other words, if the drive shipped from the factory with a capacity of
20GB, it will retain that capacity regardless of the actual capacity of the media in
either bank.
Any media inserted into a bank that is smaller than the original capacity can not be
used for mirroring. Rebuild attempts to a smaller media will not start. The LEDs will
indicate a mirror fault condition.