
Commonly Used Codecs
TSCC is optimized for desktop screen video, where video quality is important. There are many codecs
designed to compress real-world, or full motion video. Morae can take advantage of any standard codec.
TechSmith Screen Capture Codec (TSCC)
The TechSmith Screen Capture Codec (TSCC) is the default codec used for recording screen video. TSCC
compression is lossless and provides the highest quality and smallest file sizes for low-complexity screen
content, like typical office-style application content.
The TSCC does not compress video that includes a Picture in Picture (PIP) window or if you are recording a
user interacting with a game or a similarly graphic-intensive application well. In some cases, such as video
from a camera, the file sizes of the recordings may be close to that of an uncompressed video. We do not
recommend using TSCC to compress the webcam video in Morae.
Microsoft Video 1
Microsoft Video 1 is a standard video codec that comes with Windows and provides mid-range compression,
with a relatively small amount of quality loss.
Microsoft Video 1 is lossy and does not compress videos as well as some of the newer video codecs, such as
Microsoft Mpeg 4 V2 or, in some situations, TSCC. Using the image below, displayed in a video for 10
seconds, the TSCC compressed video was almost half the size of the video compressed with Microsoft Video
1 because TSCC is designed specifically for this type of content – mostly large, solid blocks of color. When
creating a 10 second video with the tree image used earlier, the TSCC compressed video was nearly 60%
larger than the Microsoft Video 1 compressed video.
Microsoft Mpeg 4 V2
The Microsoft Mpeg 4 V2 codec is very effective at compressing most types of video, but sometimes with
notable quality loss. This codec, however, often produces the smallest file sizes when working with real world
video, such as the tree image, or when recording applications with many gradients or dithered images.
Microsoft Mpeg 4 V2 is also ideal for any application that contains a lot of movement on the screen. However,
this codec’s results in lower quality. While this can be controlled through the quality settings, the loss may
sometimes be much more pronounced than a codec like Microsoft Video 1.
While Mpeg 4 V2 may have more quality loss than other codecs, it compresses well. When using Mpeg 4 V2
to compress a 10 second video of the tree image, the file size was 37% of the size of the TSCC compressed
video and 45% of the size of the Microsoft Video 1 compressed video. Mpeg 4 V2 is the ideal codec for real
world images, gradients and dithered images.
Unfortunately, Microsoft Mpeg 4 V2 is not always distributed within Windows. Most systems should have this
codec available for use but not all may. If Microsoft Mpeg 4 V2 is not listed as a codec on your system, it may
not be installed. Currently, Microsoft is not distributing a standard Video for Windows version of this codec, so
you cannot install the codec from Microsoft’s Web site. However, there are viable third party options that are
very similar to Microsoft Mpeg 4 V2, such as the DivX codec.
Morae Recorder
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