
Use the Unmoderated Usability Study Template
1. Open Recorder. The Welcome to Morae Recorder dialog box opens.
2. Select Create a new study configuration based on.
3. Select the Unmoderated Usability Study template from the dropdown list.
4. Click OK. The template study configuration opens in Recorder.
5. Click Modify Study Details to open the Study Details dialog box.
6. In the Study Details dialog box,
modify the study details making sure to include the following:
o Description tab: Fill in the Study Instructions field with directions for the participant. This could
include an introduction to the test along with scenario information.
o Task Definitions tab: Fill in the Task instructions for participant field for all tasks. Include the
task and any information a participant needs to complete the task, such as a user name and
o Survey Definitions tab: Create and associate surveys with session events, such as the end of
Task 1. Only associated surveys automatically display with AutoPilot.
7. Click OK.
The Recording Details are set up to run sessions with AutoPilot, record the screen and PiP,
automatically restart after a recording ends, defer recording processing, and allow Observers. If
you need the change these settings, click Modify Recording Details.
8. Save the study configuration file.
Morae Recorder
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