
Who Should Be The Task Logger?
When defining the task logger, choose one of the following options.
First Observer connected
Use this option if you only have one Observer or everyone connecting to the session could log tasks.
If the task logger disconnects Observer from the session, intentionally or not, the next Observer who
connects automatically becomes the task logger.
Designated Observer
Use this option if you know exactly who you want to log the tasks.
If the designated task logger disconnects Observer from the session, whether intentionally or not, no
one else can log tasks. If the task logger re-connects, he or she can again log tasks. See Designate
the Task Logger.
The task logger name must match the name entered in Observer. For example, if you enter
only a first name in the Recoding Details and the Observer enters a first and last name, they will
not be designated as task logger.
Use this option with AutoPilot. As the participant clicks Start Task and End Task in AutoPilot, it logs
the corresponding markers in the recording.
When you enable AutoPilot, the Recording Details update to set AutoPilot to log tasks.
Recording computer
Use this option if you record camera as the Main video source. This setting allows you to log on the
same computer you are recording on. You do not need to have any Observers connected to log a
camera video-based session.
See also:
Task Logger Settings
Designate the Task Logger
Morae Recorder
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