
Task Name and Description
The task name and description appear when observing a session. If you are the task logger, once you enter a
Start task marker, you choose the task from a dropdown list.
Put information in these fields to give the task logger enough information to quickly select the correct choice
when entering a Start task marker.
After importing recordings into Manager, tasks become the basis for graphs created in Manager. You are also
able to search across recordings for events or markers that occur during a given task.
See also:
Task Instructions
Success Score
Modify Task and Success Score Definitions
Task Instructions
Task instructions appear on the computer running AutoPilot. The task instructions are presented to the
participant to guide them through a session.
After reading a task, the participant clicks Start Task, which automatically logs a Start task marker.
After completing the task, the participant clicks End Task, which automatically logs an End task
While working on a task, the participant can show or hide the instructions as needed.
You can also pull these instructions into Microsoft Word to create handouts if you are not using AutoPilot to
run your session.
Put information in this field to describe the task for the participant.
See also:
Task Name and Description
Success Score
Modify Task and Success Score Definitions
Success Score
Success scores apply to all the tasks in a study. If you are the task logger, once you enter an End task marker,
you choose the score from a dropdown list.
You can use the default completion rate scores or create your own scale.
After importing recordings into Manager, you can quickly create a task score graph to automatically calculate
and visually display the completion rate. Completion rate is a standard metric used to analyze usability tests.
See also:
Task Name and Description
Task Instructions
Modify Task and Success Score Definitions
Morae Recorder
Help PDF
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