
Tips and Reference Information
This section contains additional information based on some frequently asked user questions. The topics
covered in this section include:
How Rich Recording Technology (RRT) Works
Check for Upgrade Settings Options
Morae Player
Recording File Recovery Options
Codecs in Morae
Morae Recorder COM Server
Record Silently
How Rich Recording Technology (RRT) Works
During recording, Rich Recording Technology (RRT) collects and fuses two types of information: video input
(camera video, screen video and microphone audio) and data input (keyboard entry, screen text, mouse
clicks and system and application events). Morae Observer input is optional. The video streams are precisely
correlated in time with the data streams.
For example, where the data streams identify when a particular toolbar button is pressed in a specific
application, the screen recording shows the user pressing the toolbar button. The synchronized video and
data streams are saved in a recording file you can open within Morae Manager.
When the recording file is opened and indexed by Morae Manager, users can conduct a search of the data
input streams, select one of the search results and then see a specific event highlighted visually in the
indexed screen video, which appears in the Player window.
See also:
Check for Upgrade Settings Options
Morae Player
Recording File Recovery Options
Codecs in Morae
Morae Recorder COM Server
Check for Upgrade Settings Options
All three components of Morae have an automatic Check for Upgrade feature. The first time you open a
component after installation, you are asked if you want Morae to check for available upgrades on the
TechSmith site.
To manually check for an upgrade, choose Help > Check for Upgrade > Check Now.
To change the settings for the automatic Check for Upgrade, choose Help > Check for Upgrade > Settings.
The Check for Upgrade Settings dialog appears.
The following options are available in all three components of Morae:
Enable automatic check for upgrade - Morae automatically checks for available upgrades. If you
disable this option, Morae does not check for upgrades.
Days between checks – Define how often you want Morae to check for available upgrades by
entering the number of days.
Morae Recorder
Help PDF
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