Step 1
Display the top page of the operation window
(☞ page 77), and then select the camera channel to
be searched for in the [Cam. select] box.
Step 2
Click the [VMD] button in the [Search] box.
→ The VMD search filter window will be displayed.
Step 3
Specify the search conditions (filters).
Set detection area and detection sensitivity
Up to 4 detection areas (A - D) can be set. Set detec-
tion areas and detection sensitivities for each of them
as follows.
1. Create a detection area by dragging the mouse.
Up to 4 areas can be created and they will be area
A, B, C and D in order or creation.
• Todeletethecreateddetectionarea,checkthe
check box corresponding to the area to be delet-
ed on the area setup window and then click the
[Area delete] button.
2. Set the detection sensitivity of each detection
Click the [C] button, and then set the detection
sensitivity for each area (A - D) from the following.
Off: Does not detect motion in the selected area.
Low: Low sensitivity
Mid: Standard sensitivity
High: High sensitivity
Search for time and date when a motion was detected from
recorded images and play (VMD search)
Display a list of time and date when a motion was detected (by the VMD function) from images recorded by all
the recording modes (☞ page 37), and then select a desired recorded image to play from the list.
Camera channels, time and date, detection area and detection sensitivity can be used as the filters for the VMD