Operate the camera
Step 1
Press the [SUB MENU] button on the front panel.
→ The submenu window will be displayed.
Step 2
Move the cursor onto the [Camera control] button of
the submenu, and then press the [SET] button.
→ The menu list will be displayed. Move the cursor
onto "Camera operation" on the displayed menu
list, and then press the [SET] button.
→ The [Pan/Tilt] tab of the camera control panel will
be displayed.
It is possible to operate the following camera operations when displaying live images from a camera with the
panning/tilting and zooming function.
• Panning/Tilting Adjustthehorizontal/verticalpositionofimagesfromthecamera
• Zoom Zoomin/outimagesfromthecamera
• Focus Adjustthefocusofthecamera
• Iris Adjustthelensirisofthecamera
• Presetpositionfunction Registerpresetpositionsandmovethecameradirectiontotheregisteredpre-
set positio.
• Autofunction Activatetheautofunctionofthecameraaccordingtothesettingsofthecamera
• Thecameraoperationcanbeperformedonlywhendisplayingimagesona1-screenonmonitor1.
• Dependingonthemodelofthecamera,someoperationsmaynotwork.
• Whenauserwithahigheruserpriorityisoperatingatthesametime,itmaybeimpossibletooperatethe
Guide for further information about the priority.
• Refertopage70forhowtodisplaythesetuppageofthecameraandconfigurethesettingsofthecamera.
Display the camera control panel
The panning/tilting, zooming, focus adjustment and iris adjustment can be made on the camera control panel.