Functions during playback (when using the buttons on the front panel)
Function Button Operation
• Playbackwillresumewhenthisbuttonispressedduringpause.
• The[PLAY/PAUSE]buttonwillblinkduringpausing.
Frame by frame play-
back/Reverse frame by
frame playback
Jog dial (Inside) • Whenrotatingthejogdial(inside)duringpausing,frameby
frame playback will be performed.
• Whenrotatingthejogdialclockwise,thenextframewillbedis-
played. When rotating the jog dial counterclockwise, the previ-
ous frame will be displayed.
Fast forward/Fast rewind Shuttle ring
• Whenrotatingtheshuttlering(outside),theplaybackspeedwill
change (1/2x, 1x, 2x, 5x, 10x, 20x) according to how much
(angle) the shuttle ring is rotated.
When the playback continued at 20x (rotated the shuttle ring to
the end) for 10 seconds, the playback speed will change to
50x. When the playback continued at 50x for 10 seconds, the
playback speed will change to 100x.
• Whenrotatingtheshuttleringclockwise,fastforwardplayback
will be performed. When rotating the jog dial counterclockwise,
fast reverse playback will be performed. When the shuttle ring
position is returned to the normal position (center), the play-
back speed will return to 1x.
Hold playback speed
(Fast forward/Fast
[HOLD] button • Whenthe[HOLD]buttonispressedwhilerotatingtheshuttle
ring (outside) during playback, the playback speed determined
by the shuttle ring position will be held. (Even when the shuttle
ring (outside) is released, playback will continue with the deter-
mined playback speed.) The indicator will blink during the hold
• Whenthe[HOLD]buttonispressedduringtheplaybackspeed
is held, the held playback speed will return to x1.
Skip Jog dial (Inside) • Whenthejogdial(inside)isrotatedduringplayback,playback
point will skip to the top of the next or previous recorded data
and start playback.
• Whenrotatingthejogdial(inside)clockwiseduringplayback,
the playback point will skip to the top of the next recorded
data. When rotating the jog dial (inside) counterclockwise dur-
ing playback, the playback point will skip to the top of the pre-
vious recorded data.
• Whentryingtoskipforwardevenduringreverseplayback,the
playback point will skip to the top of the next recorded data
(start time of the next recorded data). However, skipping to the
next recorded data works only this time and the subsequent
skip operation will not work.
• Whennonextorpreviousrecordeddata,thecurrentplayback
will continue.
Skip to the latest record-
ed data
[GOTO LAST] button • Whenthisbuttonispressed,playbackfromthetopofthelatest
recorded data will start. At the default, pressing this button
skips the playback point to a point that is 30 seconds before
the top of the latest recorded data.
Note: Playback of the latest recorded data may sometimes not
start when the [GOTO LAST] button is pressed during recording.
Multiscreen playback [MULTI SCREEN]
• Pressthe[MULTISCREEN]button.Eachtimethe[MULTI
SCREEN] button is pressed, the screen pattern will change
according to the setting configured on the setup menu
("Camera setup" under "Multi screen setup" on the "Common"
tab under "Display" (☞ Installation Guide)).
Camera title display [OSD] button • Pressthisbuttontodisplay/hidethecameratitleandthestatus
bar embedded on the recorded data. (☞ Page 30)