The default positions are indicated by the circled
numbers. (Broken lined circles are not the default
q Camera title
The set camera title will be displayed. The camera
title display position can be selected from "Upper
left", "Lower left", "Upper right" and "Lower right".
At the default, the camera title will be displayed at
upper right (R-Upper).
w Status bar
The current status will be displayed.
The display position can be selected from "Upper"
and "Lower".
The default display position is "Lower".
• Thecameratitlewillbedisplayedwithupto14
• Whenselectingmonitor2,itispossibletodisplay/
hide the camera title display and the status bar
respectively by pressing the [OSD] button.
• Imagesrecordedwiththe"Timeembed"setting
"On" will be played in the embedded recording
EVT: Pre-event recording/Post-event recording
EMR: Emergency recording
e Shortcut launcher
It is possible to execute a function such as play-
back by simply pressing each button on the short-
cut launcher.
The shortcut launcher will be displayed only when
a mouse (commercially available) is connected.
Normal display
Minimum display
Minimum display/Normal display: When the triangle
is clicked, display of the shortcut launcher will be
switched between the normal display and the
minimum display.
Time and date search: When this button is clicked,
the "Go to date" window will be displayed.
(☞ Page 43)
Latest recorded image: When this button is clicked,
playback of the latest recorded images will start
and the "REC & Playback" panel will be displayed.
(☞ Page 44)
Playback: When this button is clicked, playback will
start and the "REC & Playback" panel will be dis-
played. (☞ Page 39)
El-zoom: When this button is clicked, the displayed
images will be displayed at x2 and the "El-zoom"
panel will be displayed. This button will work only
when images are being displayed on a 1-screen.
(☞ Page 31)
Camera control: When this button is clicked, the
camera control panel will be displayed. (☞ Page
• Theshortcutlauncherwillbedisplayed(orhidden)
when the status bar is displayed (or hidden).
When the status bar is displayed at the bottom of
the screen (Lower), the shortcut launcher will be
displayed at the lower right corner. When the sta-
tus bar is displayed at the top of the screen
(Upper), the shortcut launcher will be displayed at
the upper right corner.
• Whenapanelsuchastheoperationpanelisdis-
played, the shortcut launcher will be hidden.
Monitor 2
(Monitor to display live images, recorded images and the setup menu)
Minimum display/
Normal display
Latest recorded
Time and date