The brightness (lens aperture) can be adjusted by
clicking the [–] (darker) button or the [+] (brighter) but-
It is possible to reset the adjusted brightness by click-
ing the [Reset] button.
It is possible to register preset positions of the cam-
era and to move the camera direction to the regis-
tered preset positions.
Select the preset position number from the following.
Home, 1 - 256
When the [Move] button is clicked, the camera direc-
tion will move to the preset position corresponding to
the selected preset position number. When the
[Register] button is clicked, the camera direction will
be registered and assigned to the selected preset
position number.
• Itisimpossibletoregisterthepositionas"Home".
• Onlyuserswhoseuserlevelisallowedtoregister
preset positions can register preset positions.
• Refertotheoperatinginstructionsofthecamera
for the available preset position numbers.
Auto mode
Select the auto mode from the following. Click the
[Start] button to start the selected auto mode func-
tion. Click the [Stop] button to stop the auto mode
Auto track: The camera will automatically track an
object moving on the screen.
Auto pan: The camera direction will automatically
move (pan) between the start point and end point
set in advance.
Preset sequence: The camera will move (pan) to the
preset positions registered in advance in order of
the preset position number (numerical order).
Sort: The camera will move (pan) counterclockwise to
the preset positions registered in advance in order
of the closest from the current position.
Patrol 1 - 4: The camera will trace the manually
recorded panning pattern.
• Eachfunctionoftheautomodeisavailableonly
for combination cameras. Refer to the operating
instructions of the camera for further information
about the auto mode function of the camera.
[Menu] box
When the [OPEN] button is clicked, the setup window
of the camera will be displayed. Refer to page 118 for
how to operate the setup window.