Operations using a mouse
The recorder can be operated using a mouse connected to the mouse port (☞ page 11) on the front panel.
Move the mouse cursor onto a button or a tab on the screen, and then click on it.
• Whennooperationismadefor10secondsormore,themousecursorwillbehidden.Themousecursorwill
be displayed when the mouse is moved.
• Itisimpossibletoconnectamousetothemouseconnectionportiftheconnectorfromthemouseisupside
down. When it is hard to connect, check the upside down position of the connector from the mouse.
Operations of the operation panel
When right-clicking, the operation panel representing the front panel (the monitor operation button and the
camera selection button on the front panel) will be displayed.
Operations on panels
The following operations can be made by clicking each button.
Refer to the respective pages for further information about each function.
• Changecamerachannels(☞ page 30)
• Selectthemonitor(monitor1/monitor2)tooperate(☞ page 29)
• Start/stopthesequence((☞ page 34)
• Display/hidethecameratitleandthestatusbar(☞ page 30)
• Changethescreenpatternofthemultiscreen(☞ page 32)
Close the panel
Click anywhere outside the operation panel.