Step 1
Move the camera direction to a position to be regis-
tered as a preset position.
Step 2
Display the [Pan/Tilt] tab of the camera control panel
(☞ page 65)
Step 3
Press the [SET] button on the front panel.
→ The "Preset/Auto" window will be displayed.
Step 4
Enter a preset position number to be registered.
To enter the preset position number, press the camera
selection button (1 - 0/10) or rotate the jog dial
Step 5
Move the cursor onto the [Regist] button, and then
press the [SET] button.
→ The confirmation window will be displayed. When
the [OK] button on the confirmation window is
selected, the "Preset/Auto" window will close and
the camera direction checked by the images cur-
rently being displayed will be registered as a pre-
set position.
Preset position function
Move the camera to the preset position registered in advance. It is necessary in advance to register preset posi-
tions to perform the preset position function.
Registration of preset positions
Register the preset positions for the camera. Up to 256 preset positions can be registered. The maximum num-
ber of preset position registration varies depending on the model of the camera.
• Onlyuserswhoseuserlevelisallowedtocontrolcamerasortoconfigurethesettingscanregisterthepre-
set positions.