Event function
The recorder will take an event action when any of the following events occur.
Terminal alarm: Regarded as an event when an alarm input signal is supplied from an external device such as
a door sensor to the alarm input terminal on the rear of the recorder.
Video Motion Detection (VMD): Regard as an event when a motion is detected in the set detection area by the
video motion detection function. (See below about the VMD function.)
Video loss: Regard as an event when the video input signal is lost, such as by the camera cable disconnection,
malfunction of the camera, etc.
i-VMD alarm: Regarded as an event when an alarm (motion detection, object appearance/disappearance, etc.)
is detected by the SD5Link camera.
Camera site alarm: Regarded as an event when an alarm (motion detection, etc.) is detected by the camera.
Command alarm: Regarded as an event when an alarm via a network such as from a PC is received.
• VideoMotionDetection(VMD)function
When a motion (luminance change) is detected in the specified area (detection area), a signal will be output.
The recorder will record images from the camera, send e-mails, etc. according to the settings when a
motion is detected.
Refer to the Installation Guide for the settings required to use the video motion detection function.
Event action
Refer to page 56.
Alarm action
The following are descriptions about the alarm actions that can be configured and checked from a PC.
Refer to page 56 for further information about the available alarm actions for the recorder.
Display the alarm notification window
• Thealarmnotificationwindowwillnotbedisplayedinthefollowingcases.
• Whenthealarmissuspended(☞ page 102)
• When"ADM"isselectedfor"Operationalmode"(ofeachevent)of"Event"ofthesetupmenu
• When"Off"isselectedfor"Alarmmessage"of"Timetable"(under"Schedule"ofthesetupmenu).