
8-Bit Microcontroller with OTP ROM
Product Specification (V1.0) 10.19.2007 29
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
The controller can be awakened from sleep mode and idle mode. The wake-up signals are listed as
Signal Sleep Mode Normal Mode
DISI + Bank 1-RF (EXIE) Bit 2 = 1
Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RF (EX0IF) = 1
or Set Bank 0-RE (EX1IF) = 1
ENI + Bank 1-RF (EXIE) Bit 2 = 1
Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank 0-RF
(EX0IF) = 1
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 0,
Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 0
Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 0
Oscillator, TCC and TCC are stopped.
Port 6 input status changed wake-up is invalid.
Port 6 input status change interrupt is invalid
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 0,
Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
Set Bank 0-RF (ICIF) = 1,
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Port 6 input status changed wake-up is invalid.
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 1,
Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 0
Wake-up+ Next Instruction
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 1,
DISI + Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
DISI + Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
Wake-up+ Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RF
(ICIF) = 1
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RF (ICIF) = 1
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 1,
ENI + Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
ENI + Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
Port 6 Input Status Change
Wake-up+ Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank
0-RF (ICIF) = 1
Oscillator, TCC and TIMERX are stopped.
Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank 0-RF
(ICIF) = 1
DISI + Bank 1-RF (TCIE) Bit 0 = 1
Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RF (TCIF) = 1
ENI + Bank 1-RF (TCIE) Bit 0=1
TCC Overflow N/A
Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank 0-RF
(TCIF) = 1
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 0
Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 0
Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 0
Comparator output status changed wake-up is
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Comparator output status change interrupt is
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 0, }
Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 1
Set Bank 0-RE (CMPIF) = 1,
Comparator output status changed wake-up is
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 1,
Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 0
Wake-up+ Next Instruction,
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 1,
DISI + Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 =1
DISI + Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 1
Wake-up+ Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RE
(CMPIF) Bit 0 =1,
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RE (CMPIF)
Bit 0 = 1
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 1,
ENI + Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 1
ENI + Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 1
(Comparator Output Status
Wake-up+ Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank 0-
RE (CMPIF) Bit 0 = 1,
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Bank 0-RE (CMPIF)
Bit 0 = 1
WDT Time-out
Bank 1-RE (WDTE) Bit 7=1
Wake-up+ Reset (Address 0x00) Reset (Address 0x00)
Low Voltage Reset
Wake-up+ Reset (Address 0x00) Reset (Address 0x00)