8-Bit Microcontroller with OTP ROM
Product Specification (V1.0) 10.19.2007 • 29
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
The controller can be awakened from sleep mode and idle mode. The wake-up signals are listed as
Signal Sleep Mode Normal Mode
DISI + Bank 1-RF (EXIE) Bit 2 = 1
Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RF (EX0IF) = 1
or Set Bank 0-RE (EX1IF) = 1
ENI + Bank 1-RF (EXIE) Bit 2 = 1
Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank 0-RF
(EX0IF) = 1
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 0,
Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 0
Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 0
Oscillator, TCC and TCC are stopped.
Port 6 input status changed wake-up is invalid.
Port 6 input status change interrupt is invalid
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 0,
Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
Set Bank 0-RF (ICIF) = 1,
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Port 6 input status changed wake-up is invalid.
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 1,
Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 0
Wake-up+ Next Instruction
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 1,
DISI + Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
DISI + Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
Wake-up+ Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RF
(ICIF) = 1
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RF (ICIF) = 1
Bank 0-RE (ICWE) Bit 4 = 1,
ENI + Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
ENI + Bank 1-RF (ICIE) Bit 1 = 1
Port 6 Input Status Change
Wake-up+ Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank
0-RF (ICIF) = 1
Oscillator, TCC and TIMERX are stopped.
Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank 0-RF
(ICIF) = 1
DISI + Bank 1-RF (TCIE) Bit 0 = 1
Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RF (TCIF) = 1
ENI + Bank 1-RF (TCIE) Bit 0=1
TCC Overflow N/A
Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank 0-RF
(TCIF) = 1
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 0
Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 0
Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 0
Comparator output status changed wake-up is
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Comparator output status change interrupt is
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 0, }
Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 1
Set Bank 0-RE (CMPIF) = 1,
Comparator output status changed wake-up is
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 1,
Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 0
Wake-up+ Next Instruction,
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 1,
DISI + Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 =1
DISI + Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 1
Wake-up+ Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RE
(CMPIF) Bit 0 =1,
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Next Instruction+ Set Bank 0-RE (CMPIF)
Bit 0 = 1
Bank 0-RE (CMPWE) Bit 2 = 1,
ENI + Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 1
ENI + Bank 1-RE (CMPIE) Bit 0 = 1
(Comparator Output Status
Wake-up+ Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Set Bank 0-
RE (CMPIF) Bit 0 = 1,
Oscillator and TCC are stopped.
Interrupt Vector (0x08)+ Bank 0-RE (CMPIF)
Bit 0 = 1
WDT Time-out
Bank 1-RE (WDTE) Bit 7=1
Wake-up+ Reset (Address 0x00) Reset (Address 0x00)
Low Voltage Reset
Wake-up+ Reset (Address 0x00) Reset (Address 0x00)