Bit 6 Reserved.
Bit 7 Volume. 0 = loud, 1 = soft.
Value (Bits 0–3) Note Value (Bits 0–3) Note Value (Bits 4–5) Octave
0000–0 C 1000–8 G# 00–0 1
0001–1 C# 1001–9 A 01–1 2
0010–2 D 1010–A A# 10–2 3
0011–3 D# 1011–B B 11–3 4
0100–4 E 1100–C Rest / Silence
0101–5 F 1101–D Reserved
0110–6 F# 1110–E Reserved
0111–7 G 1111–F 1 KHz (normal
n = X'00'
To enable or disable the beeper.
v Any value other than X'00' or X'FF' is treated as an amount of time that
the beeper is to be enabled. The time is calculated as n1×0.1 seconds.
v To stop a beep command early, send the Disable Beeper command.
v Timed beeps can be chained together. They can also be downloaded as
canned messages.
v Use a value of n2=X'2F'for the most audible tone.
v Set bits 0–3 to 1100 to put a timed silence in a beep sequence.
Enable or disable the feed buttons
ESCc5n or X'1B63;35;n'
n=0 Enables feed buttons
n=1 Disables feed buttons
To disable the feed buttons while in the middle of a transaction.
If the printer is set to have the buttons disabled, the offline tests will also
be disabled.
Enable or disable upside-down printing
This command is only supported in the thermal station.
ESC { n or X'1B 7B n'
52 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR