Table 31. Summary of the offline test menu items (continued)
Menu item Definition
Sub-menu (if
applicable) Definition
2. Choose emulation
Displays the
(see next
Compatibility with
Legacy 4610
Changes the command set and statuses to support
the previous drivers and applications (such as plug
and play for existing 4610 printers).
Native mode Changes the command set and statuses to support
the low-paper detection, paper jam detection, and
other 4610 Model 2xR sensors.
3. Model selection You specify the printer type: MICR reading or non-MICR reading model.
4. EIS-232/RS-232 flow
Provides a list of available baud rates and flow controls.
5. More selections Provides additional menus:
6. MCT listing Information for service personnel
7. Low-paper
You are instructed to insert a small roll of paper in the printer. During the test the printer
ejects all of the paper from this roll to calibrate the low-paper sensor.
8. MICR read test
(Model 2CR only)
9. Document print test Starts print test
10. For more selections: Provides additional menus:
11. Hex dump mode A debug mode that is used when attached using a RS 232 that will have the printer print
the data/commands that it receives. This enables the application writer the ability to see
what data is actually being received at the printer.
12. Execute printhead
Starts printhead test
13. Reset TPH user
data Execute after
thermal Printhead is
Select after you install a new thermal printhead.
14. Paper out sensor
Checks the operation of the paper-out sensor.
15. Resident code
Prints out a test page for the Code Pages resident in the printer.
14. Main menu Return to main menu
Changing the interface card or logic card
During the servicing process, you often will change an interface card or logic card
in the printer. If one of the cards is a new FRU, then the printer firmware
automatically updates the new card with the printer settings and other
information. (These settings include the serial number, baud rate, and model
number.) The first time you power on the printer with a FRU card in it, the update
will occur and the printer will reset.
For proper operation, the information on the interface and logic cards must match.
If you install either card (interface or logic) with previously written firmware
information, you must direct the firmware to overwrite the correct card.
The following message is printed when an information mismatch occurs:
104 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR