Table 8. MCT command definitions (continued)
DEC HEX MCT Default Min Max
53 35 DBCS Address Vector 3 0000h 0000H FFFFH
68 44 Power supply capabilities - peak current
- mAmps
96-104 60-68 Reserve for manufacturing / native
windows driver
105 -
69 – 6E Printer usage statistics N/A N/A FFFFH
111 6F Status request options: N/A 0 FFFFH
Bit 15: See “Microcode tolerance (MCT) information - request ” on page 31. The status returned
when the bit is set to 1, the MCT number is not sent with the MCT data; when the bit is set to
0, the MCT number is sent in byte after MCT data.
Bit 14: 1 = compatibility mode with older printers. 0 = Models 2xR and 1xR native mode. The
number of Status bytes increases and the format of the Device ID response has changed. See
“Extended address command-request printer ID” on page 15.
Bit 13: 1 = MICR will be read into the flipper. 0 = MICR reading setup for back-to-back MICR
reads. First read into the throat of printer, then read into the flipper.
Bit 12: Magnetic noise level: 1 = compatibility mode with older printers. 0 = The data sent from
the printer as a result of a MICR read command (1B;49) will include a byte with the amplitude
of a noise level. Data would be structured as {Signal Strength; magnetic noise level; MICR read
Bit 11: MICR Raw data format; 1 = compatibility mode with older printers. 0 = Change the
MICR data response to TOAD Format. Symbol Definition “T” TRANSIT “O” ON-US “A”
Bits 10: Electronic Journal Options: When all electronic journal sectors are full. 0 = Printer
automatically erases the ‘earliest’ session to store the latest data. If there is only one session, the
automatic erasing will not work and printer will report an error that all sectors are full. 1 =
Printer will report back an error message that all sectors are full. A session must be erased
before more EJ data can be stored.
Note: For electronic journal storage in the printer, use the drivers provided by IBM. See
Bits 9- 0: Reserved for future use – should remain at 1.
129 81 Default Code Page. Upper nibble
reserved. Lower nibble default code
page. See “Set code page” on page 41
for options.
FF01h FF00h FF18h
160 A0 User Defined Impact Character Memory
0001h - 2xR
0000h - 1xR
0000h 0001h
161 A1 User Defined Thermal Character
Memory Allocation
0001h 0000h 0001h
162 A2 User Defined Logos Memory Allocation 0001h 0000h 0030h
163 A3 Predefined messages Memory Allocation 0001h 0000h 0030h
164 A4 User FLASH Storage Memory Allocation 0002h 0000h 0030h
165 A5 Scan Image Storage Memory Allocation 0000h 0000h 0000h
166 A6 Thermal DBCS Character Storage
Memory Allocation
000Eh 0000h 002Fh
167 A7 Impact DBCS Character Storage Memory
0000h - 1xR
0007h - 2xR
0000h 002Fh
34 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR