Status byte 1
Table 16. Status byte 1
Bit Description
0 (LSB) Command complete (immediate command and flash storage commands).
Set to 1 when the command is complete.
1 Reserved
2 Document left home position. Set to 1 when the print head is in the left
home position.
3 Document right home position. Set to 1 when the print head is in the
right home position.
4 Reserved. Always 0.
5 Ribbon cover open. Set to 1 when the ribbon cover is open.
6 Compatibility mode will set this bit on cover open/out of paper/paper
jam or cutter jam. Native mode will only set this bit for cover open.
7 (MSB) Command reject.
Status byte 2
Table 17. Status byte 2
Bit Description
0 (LSB) Document ready. Set to 0 when the document insert station is ready for
printing. This occurs when both document sensors detect the document
and the document has been fed to the first print position.
1 Document present under the front sensor. Set to 0 when a document is
under to top document sensor.
2 Document present under the top sensor. Set to 0 when a document is
under the top document sensor.
3 Reserved. Always equals 1.
4 Print buffer held. Set to 1 when the print buffer is being held. Cleared
when buffer released. The printer can be held due to a Hold buffer
Command or one of the following printer errors: Ribbon cover open, with
commands to be printed on the document station. Cash receipt print error
with commands to the cash receipt station.
5 Open throat position. Set to 1 when the print head is in the open throat
6 Buffer empty. Set to 1 when no print data and no commands are in the
7 (MSB) Buffer full. Set when the message pipe is 80% full. Cleared when the
message pipe is 60% full. Commands will be rejected when pipe is 100%
Status byte 3
Table 18. Status byte 3
Bit Description
0 (LSB) Electric journal memory sector is full.
1 Home error.
90 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR