Table 20. Status byte 7 (continued)
Bytes Description
6 Station selected. Set to 1 when document insert station is selected. Clear
when the cash receipt station is selected.
7 (MSB) Feed error. This is a document feed error: Set when there is an error after
a Flip Check or a MICR command is executed.
Status byte 8
Table 21. Status byte 8
Bit Description
0 (LSB) Reserved
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Reserved (always 0)
5 Set to 1 when CR paper is out.
6 Magnetic noise present - only for MICR read command - "1" when MICR
read shows random noise count ≥ 100 decimal or periodic noise > 0,
otherwise "0". If set to a "1", this value will be in the status message when
status byte 5, bit 2 = "1" otherwise it will be a "0" in other status
messages. When magnetic noise present bit is set there is excessive
magnetic noise which might be due to a fan or CRT and it will affect the
accuracy of the MICR reading.
7 (MSB) Thermal Print Algorithm Engaged: The thermal algorithm pauses printing
to safeguard the parts in the printer when either the print head or the
paper feed motor is considered too hot to continue printing. The bit clears
when the printer has cools down. Prior to 2xR/1xR level 09.xx, this bit
was set when the printer was almost too hot to continue printing. Pass
these levels, the bit is set only when the algorithm is actually engaged.
Note: The printer stops printing when the temperature exceeds 65° C,
and will restart printing when the temp is below 60° C.
Status byte 9
Table 22. Status byte 9
Bit Description
0 (LSB) Electronic journal error (see driver spec for support)
1 Marker attached
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Reserved (always 0)
5 Reserved
6 Printer is in offline mode, or has an unrecoverable error.
7 (MSB) Reserved
92 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR