Error conditions:
Extended address command-request printer ID
GS | SOH or X'1D4901'
This command returns 15 bytes of printer-specific information following
the printer status.
Printer ID format
Table 5. Device Type = 30
Byte 1: Device type = 30 Reserved
Byte 2: Device ID
Byte 3: EC – HW version level Reserved
Byte 4: EC – Software release level This level increments after a formal test cycle
on the code. (This is the same as Status byte
Byte 5: EC – Software interim version Level The level that would increment as fixes were
released for test. If a customer had a
“pre-released” level, this would be used to
track their level.
Byte 6: CR station width
v 72 (0x48): 72 mm print width for 80 mm
paper width
v 50 (0x32): 50 mm print width for 58 mm
paper width
Byte 7: DI station width
2CR/2NR = 0x50
1NR = 0x00
Portrait station width 80 or 0x50 for 80 mm
print width
Note: The 4610 is 80.33 mm print width; 474
dots at 150 dpi, and 374 at 120 dpi
Byte 8: Feature byte detection
2CR / 2NR / 1NR = 0xFF
Bit 0 Two-color printing
Bit 1 Two-color enabled
Bit 2 CR Cutter
Bit 3 Out of Paper detection
Bit 4 Low Paper Detection
Bit 5 Cover Open Detection
Bit 6 Paper jam detection
Bit 7 Cutter failure
Chapter 2. Communication parameters 15