v In order to implement fixes, new functionality, and other improvements, new
releases of printer microcode are routinely published. It is advisable that you run
the most recent version firmware on the printer.
v If one line is aligned using spaces and another line is aligned using the relative
position commands, the data might appear misaligned. The commands, such as
the relative position and margin commands that use the minimum unit of
motion values are based on a fraction of an inch, which eliminates the
differences in the dot pitch. Tabs and spaces are subject to pitch differences.
v To use one of the 1NR code pages while in EPSON Emulation Mode, store the
code page number to MCT #0x81. See “Set code page” on page 41 for additonal
Preset or onetime-set commands
The SureMark printer has commands to specialize and tune each printer to
improve its usability, performance, and uniqueness. This flexibility is provided
through the use of flash erasable programmable read-only memory (flash EPROM).
Data in this memory device remains valid until it is redefined. This information
only needs to be defined once because it remains for the life of the printer or until
it is redefined.
To verify that data was previously stored in the printer, the system can request a
checksum on data stored in each sector.
The Flash EPROM can be allocated up to 10 sectors. To rewrite information in a
sector, you must first erase the sector.
v For logo commands and predefined messages, erasing the sector is necessary
only to replace a logo or predefined message number, or when the length of the
logo or message exceeds space available in that sector.
v For user flash memory, erasing the sector is necessary only when writing to an
address that has already been written to.
v For user-defined thermal and impact characters, new characters can be added if
they have the same matrix as characters already in the character set. If new
character sets are added, the flash memory does not have to be erased. To
replace characters, you must first erase the sector.
Sector Function:
1 Download graphics (logo) commands
2 Predefined messages
3 Two user-defined impact character sets
4 User-defined thermal character set: four fixed matrix or 2 proportional
5 User flash memory
7 Thermal DBCS character storage
8 Impact DBCS character storage
9 Electronic journal storage
10 User-defined code page mapping
Memory allocation
The amount of memory allocated to each function is specified by the value stored
to its respective MCT location. (See Microcode Tolerance Information - Loading
18 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR