Table 3. RS-232 commands organized by function (continued)
Description Command Page
System Commands
Verify previous commands
X'1B00;80;00' 13
Preset or Onetime-Set Commands
Download graphics (logo)
GS * logo# n1 n2 data or X'1D2A';logo#;n1;n2;data 20
Download user-defined characters ESC & s n m data or X'1B26;s;n;m;data' 23
Erase flash EPROM sector ESC # n or X'1B23;n' 30
Flash storage write ESC ' n1 n2 data or X'1B27;n1;n2;data' 30
Microcode tolerance (MCT)
information - loading
ESC M nhlor X'1B4D;n;h;l'. 31
Microcode tolerance (MCT)
information - request
ESC S n or X'1B53;n' 31
Predefine messages GS : message# data GS : or X'1D3A; message#;data;'X'1D3A' 22
Send checksum of flash EPROM
ESC " n or X'1B22;n' 29
Setup Commands
Align positions ESC a n or X'1B61;n'. 48
Define document wait time ESC f xyor X'1B66;x;y' 49
Enable/disable upside-down
ESC { n or X'1B7B;n' 52
Fix font matrix ESC : n or X'1B3A n' 54
Print logo inline GS J d n1 n2 data or X'1D4A;d;n1;n2;data' 54
Request document length for
landscape print
GS N X'02' Null or X'1D4E0200' 40
Request document length for
landscape print
GSc1n where n = 2 bytes indicating the length of the document
in print motor steps.
length for
print” on
page 40
Select 1/8-inch line spacing ESC 1 or X'1B31'. 43
Select 1/6-inch line spacing ESC 2 or X'1B32' 44
Select color printing ESC r n or X'1B72;n' 44
Select character for reprinted lines ESC + n or X'1B2B;n' 50
Select character size for scalable
GS ! n or X'1D21;n' 53
Select maximum print speed ESC / n or X'1B2F;n' 39
Select thermal paper GS; n or X'1D 3B n' “Select
paper” on
page 55
Select user-defined or resident
character sets
ESC % n or X'1B25;n' 41
Set code page ESC t n or X'1B74;n' 41
Chapter 2. Communication parameters 7