Purpose: Controls the default line termination mode (the
<ESC>&k#G command). Specifies the line
termination treatment of a carriage return.
value: off (treat line feed as a line feed) or on (treat line feed
as a carriage return-line feed combination).
The result of various settings for these parameters is
shown in table below, in terms of the equivalent code
passed to the PCL line termination command
(<ESC>&k#G). The second setting (lfiscrlf on, criscrlf
off) is correct for most ASCII listings printed from
UNIX machines. PC listings should usually be done
with both items set to off, and Macintosh listings
usually require the third setting (lfiscrlf off, criscrlf on).
The following table shows the criscrlf/lfiscrlf
commands and the corresponding PCL Line
Termination command parameters.
Off Off 0 CR is CR, LF is LF, FF is FF
On Off 2 CR is CR, LF is CR-LF, FF is
Off On 1 CR is CR-LF, LF is LF, FF is
On On 3 CR is CR-LF, LF is CR-LF, FF
is CR-FF
%%IncludeFeature:lfiscrlf (value)
Purpose: Controls the default line termination mode (the
<ESC>&k#G command); specifies the line
termination treatment of a linefeed.
value: off (treats linefeed as a linefeed) or on (treats linefeed
as carriage return-linefeed combination).
The result of various settings for these parameters is
shown in the table included in the Set Carriage Return
(Line Termination) discussion, in terms of the
Appendix D
Additional Technical Information D-23