Rendering Dictionary) option, a Default Dithering option, and a
Gamma Correction option.
This option allows you to choose a printer default
halftone from the following settings: 106 (screen lines
per inch) x 45° (screen angles), 71 lpi x 45°, 80 lpi x
45°, 53 lpi x 45°, and the factory default Enhanced
setting. The Enhanced setting gives the best results for
most jobs, especially jobs containing a mixture of text,
graphics, or sampled images. See chapter 7,
“Optimizing Color Output,” for information about the
halftone settings and their uses.
NOTE: If you choose halftones settings (such as line
frequencies or spot functions) in your application,
those settings probably take precedence over the
halftones in the Default Halftone menu.
This option allows you to choose either PostScript
Level 1 emulation or PostScript Level 2 emulation as
your printer’s default PostScript emulation. This
option is useful if you have files prepared in an
application that is not fully compatible with Adobe’s
PostScript Level 2 page description language.
However, Level 2 works for Level 2 files and most
Level 1 files. The default is PostScript Level 2
Default CRD
For color matching with PostScript Level 2
applications, this option allows you to choose from the
following color rendering dictionaries: Colorimetric
600, Colorimetric 300, Business 600 (the factory
default), Business 300, Photographic 600, and
Photographic 600. Since the printer has a different
range of colors than other color devices (such as your
monitor), a color rendering dictionary is necessary to
tell the printer how to print colors that are out of its
range. See “Printer-Resident Color Rendering
Dictionaries” in chapter 7, “Optimizing Color Output,”
for more information on choosing a CRD. Additional
CRDs may be available from your QMS vendor.
This option allows you to specify the default dither
pattern used by the printer. The choices are standard,
Chapter 4
Printer Configuration 4-29