
bin). For example, you may want to name it “Plain” if you always
keep plain paper in that cassette. The factory default is lower.
Administration/Engine/Outputbin Name
Even though there is only one output bin (the output tray), you may
want to use this option to assign a name to the outputbin on the top
of your printer. The factory default is upper.
Administration/Engine/Clear Warning
Use this option to clear a status message that doesn’t automatically
clear after the related corrective action is taken; for example, TOP
COVER OPEN clears after you close the top cover, but REPLACE
BELT does not clear automatically after a new OPC belt cartridge
is installed. Options in this menu include all status messages that
don’t automatically clear. Select the message that you want to clear
after correcting the specified status. See “Status Messages” in
chapter 9 for details.
NOTE: If you clear REPLACE FUSER or 100K CHECKUP, the
counter that tracks that particular service resets to 0 and
the message does not reappear until after another
complete cycle. If you continue to use the printer without
the proper maintenance or part replacement, print quality
can deteriorate, and the wear on the printer can shorten
the printer’s life.
Administration/Engine/Default Resolution
This option allows you to choose either 600 or 300 dpi printing.
The factory default setting is 600 dpi. If you purchased a printer
with 12 MB RAM, you can print color or monochrome documents
in 300 dpi or you can print monochrome documents in 600 dpi.
You must upgrade printer RAM to be able to print color documents
in 600 dpi. (See appendix B, “Technical Specifications,” for
specific information on RAM requirements and color resolution.)
If you want to print 600 dpi monochrome documents on a printer
Chapter 4
4-48 Printer Configuration