
Enables binary communications protocol. Print jobs
can not alter this value through PostScript operators.
Data in the printable ASCII range also prints.
A data stream sent through the serial or parallel interface
using Binary would be treated the same as a data stream
sent through the optional network interface using Quoted
Binary on your QMS Crown printer. However, a data
stream sent through the optional network interface using
Quoted Binary would not be treated the same as a data
stream sent through the same interface using Binary.
The main advantage of using the Binary and Fixed Binary PS
protocol modes when sending binary data is that these modes
compress the data stream allowing your documents to be smaller
so you can send smaller jobs to the printer. For example, some
device drivers can format bit map images as binary data instead of
as ASCII hex data.
To implement PS protocol for sending binary data on your system
you need a device driver available with some applications or
operating systems, or you can alternatively use a program to read
the data and write out the quoted characters. See your QMS vendor
for any available information on device drivers or binary filter
Appendix D
Additional Technical Information D-13