Mechanical Problems
Control Panel Selections Don’t Take Effect
■ Make sure you’re saving menu selections before exiting
the menu. (See “Saving Configuration Selections” in
chapter 4, “Printer Configuration.”)
■ Some configuration selections do not take effect until the
printer has been rebooted. Look in chapter 4, “Printer
Configuration,” to see if the selection you are making
requires a reboot.
Data LED Stays Lit
After the printer warms up, if the Data LED stays on, two problems
may exist.
1. If you are downloading additional fonts, too many can
overload the printer’s memory causing the printer to reset and
lose information previously downloaded to RAM. Make sure
you have enough printer memory for the additional fonts.
Additional memory (RAM) is available and easily installed.
Contact your QMS vendor for information on RAM upgrades.
See chapter 8, “Printer Options.”
2. On an AppleTalk network, Macintosh computers sometimes
interfere with each other. If this happens often, check all the
Macintosh computers on the network to make sure they are
using the same version of LaserWriter and Laser Prep. If
neither of these files is the problem, contact your QMS
No Start-up Page
If no start-up page prints, check the following:
Chapter 9
9-24 Troubleshooting