The Resident HP PCL Fonts
The following typefaces are included with your printer for use with
the HP PCL emulation. Courier 10 is 10 point, 12 pitch; Courier
12 is 12 point, 10 pitch. The Courier and Lineprinter fonts are
bitmapped; the others are scalable. The default is Courier 12.
Courier 10 Medium
Courier 10 Bold
Courier 10 Italic Medium
Courier 12 Medium
Courier 12 Bold
Courier 12 Italic Medium
Line Printer Medium (8.5 point, 16.66 pitch)
Linotype Times Roman Medium
Linotype Times Roman Italic Medium
Linotype Times Roman Bold
Linotype Times Roman Italic Bold
Linotype Univers Medium
Linotype Univers Italic Medium
Linotype Univers Bold
Linotype Univers Italic Bold
Linotype Univers Condensed Medium
Linotype Univers Condensed Italic Medium
Linotype Univers Condensed Bold
Linotype Univers Condensed Italic Bold
ITC Zapf Dingbats Medium
Chapter 7
7-20 Optimizing Color Output