■ Is the printer properly connected via LocalTalk-type cable
and transformer boxes? (See chapter 3, “Connecting the
Printer,” for information.)
■ Is LaserWriter (and Laser Prep, if you are using
LaserWriter 6.0.x or later) installed in your System Folder?
■ In the Chooser, have you selected the LaserWriter icon and
highlighted the correct printer?
■ Is AppleTalk active in the Chooser dialog box?
■ Are the screen fonts installed?
■ Is your application compatible with color PostScript Level
2? (Check the application manual. If your application
supports color PostScript Level 1 but not Level 2, try
setting the printer to Level 1 in the Administration/
Emulations/PostScript/Emulation Level menu.)
Chapter 9
Troubleshooting 9-23