Administration/Special Pages/Trailer Page
This option controls the printing of a trailer banner/error page for
each print job. A trailer page helps you monitor jobs. Think of it as
an accounting or tracking system. For details on this page and what
it monitors, see “Header and Trailer Pages” in chapter 5. The trailer
page also lists any errors generated by the printer while processing
or printing your document.
This option can be set to off, on, on error, and errors only with the
default being off. Setting this option to on error prints a trailer page
(with error messages generated during processing and printing of
your job) only if any error occurred. Setting it to errors only prints
error messages on the trailer page and omits other trailer page
Administration/Special Pages/Trailer Inputbin
You can select the inputbin (tray or cassette) from which the printer
pulls media when printing the trailer page. Choices are upper and
lower. Upper is the factory default.
NOTE: If you used the Administration/Engine/Inputbin x Name
option to change the names of the input bins, these names
replace Upper and Lower in the message window.
Administration/Special Pages/Status Page Type
This option controls the type of status page to print. The options
are standard (the default) or advanced. See
“Administration/Special Pages/Print Status” earlier in this section
for a description of the two types of status pages.
Administration/Startup Options
This menu (fig. 4.9) allows you to configure your printer to perform
certain actions automatically when it is turned on.
Chapter 4
Printer Configuration 4-39