88 FONIX FP40 Portable Hearing Aid Analyzer
6. Press F3 to select Aided 2, and repeat steps 3-5 to perform another measurement. A third
aided response may be run in a similar fashion.
Figure 5.3.3—The aided response
Other functions
• Turn on/off the display of the selected aided curve by pressing F6.
• Clear all measurement curves by pressing F8.
• Set the OUTPUT LIMIT under PROBE SETTINGS in the Menu screen. This sets how loud a
signal the probe microphone will level without automatically shutting down the sound field
speaker to protect the client. Enter the Menu screen by pressing F1. Use the AMPLITUDE
and FREQUENCY knobs to select the setting, and use the START/STOP button to toggle the
desired selection.
• Use the F9 button to toggle whether or not you want a label included with a real-ear measure
ment printout.
5.3.4 Viewing insertion gain
Insertion gain is the difference between the unaided response and the aided response. In other
words, it is the amount of amplification provided by the hearing aid, not including the natural
amplification of the unaided ear.
If you have created a target, as described in Section 5.1, it will be displayed as a thick solid line in
the large graph on the left side of the real-ear insertion gain screen. Any measured insertion gain
responses will be displayed as thinner lines on the same graph. You can display up to three differ
ent insertion gain measurements at the same time. See Figure 5.3.1 for a view of the insertion gain