Automated Test Sequences 55
Chapter 4: Automated Test Sequences
There are several different automated test sequences available on the FP40 analyzer:
• ANSI S3.22-2003 • JIS
• ANSI S3.22-1996 • ISI
• ANSI S3.22-1987 • Profiler
• ANSI S3.42-1992 • IEC
The ANSI S3.22 is the FDA’s hearing aid “labeling” standard. All hearing aids manufactured in the
United States are labeled to this standard. ANSI 03, ANSI 96, and ANSI 87 are three versions of the
same labeling standard. See Section 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 for more information. ACIC is ANSI 87 with
the CIC correction factors. It is meant to be used with the CIC coupler, and is for informational pur
poses only.
The ANSI S3.42-1992 is a voluntary standard for non-linear hearing aids. It uses the composite sig
nal to take a series of frequency responses at different input levels so you can make sure the aid is
compressing correctly. It is not directly related to ANSI 03, ANSI 96, or ANSI 03. See Section 4.4 for
more information.
The IEC, JIS, and ISI are automated test sequences designed for the international hearing aid
industry. IEC is used primarily in Europe, JIS is used primarily in Japan, and ISI is used primarily in
India. See Section 4.5 for more information on the IEC automated test sequence. Instructions on the
JIS and ISI test sequences are available upon request.
The Profiler was designed as a fast way of determining all the important characteristics of a hearing
aid in a very short amount of time. It is used to quickly identify aids that need repair or replace
ment, and to validate new hearing aid fittings. See Section 4.6 for more information.
4.1 ANSI S3.22-2003
The ANSI S3.22 standard is the FDA’s hearing aid “labeling” standard. All hearing aids sold in the
United States must be labeled to this standard. The ANSI 03 automated test sequence performs all
the measurements specified in the 2003 revision of the standard.
As of the publishing of this manual, the FDA has indicated that it will publish this standard in the
federal registry in Fall 2005. After this happens, there will be a period of comment before the stan
dard is officially adopted by the FDA and put into use. When this occurs, all newly designed hearing
aids will be labeled to the 2003 standard. It is not known at this time whether previously designed
hearing aids will also be labeled to this standard.