General Operation 19
2.3 Using Function Keys
The front panel of the FP40 analyzer contains nine function keys, F1 through F9. These keys control
the navigation through the FP40 screens as well as some settings in each screen.
2.3.1 Hints
The first thing you need to understand when working with the FP40 is the concept of “function
keys.” In order to make it easier to add new functions and screens to the FP40, we made the func
tion of keys F1 through F9 vary, depending upon the current screen and your current settings. Here
are three simple things to remember about function keys:
• The function of the keys vary, depending upon the current screen
• The labels above the keys always indicate the function of that key. They are never labels for
the current screen.
• Small labels indicate the function key toggles a setting. Large labels indicate the function key
will take you to a different screen.
These three points are explained in more detail below.
Varying Function Keys
The function of the keys vary, depending upon the current screen. There are nine function keys
used on the FP40 to toggle common settings and switch between screens. We’ve tried to make the
function of each key be as consistent as possible when you switch from screen to screen.
For example,
• F1 is generally the “MENU” key. Pressing it will usually take you to the General Setup Menu.
• F4 in the Main Coupler Screen will take you to an automated test sequence such as ANSI. F4
in the ANSI Screen will exit you back to the Main Coupler Screen.
The function of each key for each screen is clearly labeled above the function key on the display.
Function Key Labels are NOT Screen Labels
As mentioned above, the function of each key is labeled on the display above the key. This label
always denotes the function of the key. Function key labels are never labels for the current screen.
Sometimes it’s easy to see “PROBE” above F5 and think that you are in the probe screen. Remember
that the label above F5 actually means that you need to press F5 in order to enter the Probe Screen.
The actual labels for the screens can usually be found in the top center of the screen.
Small Labels vs. Big Labels
There are two main types of function keys: setting keys that change a common setting in the
current screen, and directional keys that take you to a different screen. In order to easily
differentiate between the two types of keys, we generally use small letters to denote a set
ting key and large letters to denote a directional key. There are a couple of exceptions to
this rule, but not many. Here’s an example from the Main Coupler Screen: