Coupler Measurements 39
3.3.1 Setting up a BTE
1. Adjust the tone and gain controls of the
aid to the desired positions. If desired,
insert a battery pill into the aid.
2. Insert the end of the earhook of the hear
ing aid into the plastic tubing of the ear
level adapter.
3. Insert the measurement microphone into
the HA-2 2-cc coupler.
4. Snap the ear level adapter onto the end of
the coupler.
5. Place the hearing aid/coupler combination
into the sound chamber so that the micro
phone of the aid is directly over the center
of the speaker.
3.3.2 Setting up an ITE/ITC/CIC
1. Roll some Fun-Tak into a rod long enough
to go around the transmitting end of the
aid. Modeling clay can also be used, but it
doesn’t work as well.
2. Bend the Fun-Tak rod around the canal
of the aid, making the resulting “donut”
flush with the end of the aid. (Some users
choose to seal the vent opening at this end
with a small amount of Fun-Tak.)