
General Operation 31
the External Printer Package from Frye Electronics containing a custom cable (PN 119-0312-00), a
series-to-parallel converter, and a printer cable.
The FP40 will work with all new HP LaserJet printers, and with many Deskjet printers (check lan
guage specifications in the printer manual). Also, the Epson FX-870, FX-880, and FX-1170 printers
are compatible. If the printer uses PPA (Printer Performance Architecture) it will be incompatible
with FONIX instruments. Examples are the Deskjet printers from the 720, 820, and 1000 series. A
list of compatible printers is maintained on our web site, www.frye.com, under the “Support” menu.
Some notes on using an external printer
• Although the FP40 has only one serial port, it is possible to have both the external printer and
a computer hooked up at the same time to the analyzer. You will need a special Y adapter. It is
not possible to use the computer to control the FP40 while printing.
• You can change the SPEED of the connection between the FP40 and the external printer in the
General Setup Menu. Choose 9600, 19200, 38400, or 57600 baud.
2.9.4 Printing a label
If a label is desired to identify the measurements taken, you can toggle the creation of a label with
all printouts by pressing the F9 buton in most screens. Here is a sample label:
Figure 2.9.4—Label