Real-Ear Measurements 87
4. Select the desired source with F7. Use either NORM (for a pure-tone sweep), or COMP (for a
composite signal).
5. Use the AMPLITUDE knob to select the desired amplitude. Unaided measurements are usu
ally made with 65 or 70 dB SPL.
6. Press START/STOP to start the measurement. If you are using a composite source, press
START/STOP again when the measurement stabilizes to stop the measurement. See Figure
The analyzer will automatically set itself up for an aided measurement. To perform another unaided
measurement, press F2 to select UNAIDED again.
Figure 5.3.2—The unaided response
Note: Every time you leave the insertion gain screen to go to the menu or the target screen, unaid
ed will automatically be selected when you return to the insertion gain screen.
5.3.3 Taking an aided response
The aided response is the second step in the insertion gain procedure.
1. Insert the aid into the ear, making sure the probe tube remains in position.
2. Look at the label above F3. AIDED 1 should be highlighted, assuming you followed the
instructions from Section 5.3.2.
3. Select the source type with F7. See Section 2.4 for an explanation of source types.
4. Set the source level by using the AMPLITUDE knob.
5. Press START/STOP to start the measurement. The aided response will appear on the small
graph on the right, and the insertion gain response will appear on the larger graph on the
left. If a composite, Digital Speech, or fast pure-tone sweep is being used as the source type,
press START/STOP to stop the measurement once it has stabilitized.