
Page 4 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13504 Wind River WindML v2.0 Display Drivers
X19A-E-002-03 Issue Date: 01/04/06
Building a WindML v2.0 Display Driver
The following instructions produce a bootable disk that automatically starts the UGL demo
program. These instructions assume that Wind Rivers Tornado platform is already
For the example steps where the drive letter is given as x:. Substitute x with the
drive letter that your development environment is on.
1. Create a working directory and unzip the WindML display driver into it.
From a command prompt or GUI interface create a new directory (e.g. x:\13504).
Unzip the file 13504windml.zip to the newly created working directory. The files will
be unzipped to the directories x:\13504\8bpp and x:\13504\16bpp.
2. Configure for the target execution model.
This example build creates a VxWorks image that fits onto and boots from a single
floppy diskette. In order for the VxWorks image to fit on the disk certain modifica-
tions are required.
Replace the file x:\Tornado\target\config\pcPentium\config.h with the file
x:\13504\8bpp\File\config.h (or x:\13504\16bpp\File\config.h). The new config.h
file removes networking components and configures the build image for booting from
a floppy disk.
Rather than simply replacing the original config.h file, rename it so the file can be kept
for reference purposes.
3. Build the WindML v2.0 library.
From a command prompt change to the directory x:\Tornado\host\x86-win32\bin
and run the batch file torvars.bat. Next, change to the directory x:\Tornado\tar-
get\src\ugl and type the command:
make CPU=PENTIUM ugl
4. Build a boot ROM image.
From the Tornado tool bar, select Build -> Build Boot ROM. Select pcPentium as
the BSP and bootrom_uncmp as the image.
5. Create a bootable disk (in drive A:).
From a command prompt change to the directory x:\Tornado\host\x86-win32\bin
and run the batch file torvars.bat. Next, change to the directory x:\Tornado\tar-
get\config\pcPentium and type:
mkboot a: bootrom_uncmp
6. If necessary, generate a new mode0.h configuration file.