78 Configuring the PowerConnect 3324/3348 Switch
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NOTE: The <Return> or <Esc> key must be pressed within 2 seconds in order to display the
Startup menu.
NOTE: The device times out after 35 seconds if no selection is made. The time out periods can
be reset using the CLI.
Ty p e 1. The following prompt displays:
Downloading code using XMODEM.
Using any VT100 emulator, select the download file option. The Send File window is
displayed. Click the Send button.
Send File Window
Enter the file path for the configuration file.
8 Ensure the protocol is defined as Xmodem.
9 Click Send. The software is downloaded.
The device reboots automatically.
NOTE: The TFTP server must be configured before beginning to download the software.
Erasing the FLASH File
The device configuration can be erased using the ASCII terminal. If the configuration is
erased, all IP host parameters and parameters configured via CLI, Web Management
Interface or SNMP must be reconfigured.