Configuring Switch Information 227
• Destination Port—Defines the port number to which port traffic is mirrored. A copy
port cannot mirror itself, cannot be a VLAN member other than the source port
VLAN, and cannot be configured with an IP interface. All traffic on the source port is
• Source Port—Defines the port number from which port traffic is copied. A maximum
of 8 ports can be mirrored to one mirroring port.
• Ty p e —Specifies the port traffic type that is mirrored. The possible field values are:
– RX—Indicates that incoming traffic is mirrored.
– TX—Indicates that outgoing traffic is mirrored.
– Both—Indicates that both incoming and outgoing traffic is mirrored.
• Status—Indicates the port state. The possible field values are:
– Active—Indicates the port is enabled, and receiving/ forwarding network traffic.
– Not Active—Indicates that the port is disabled, and is not receiving/forwarding
network traffic.
• Remove—Removes the port mirroring session. The possible field values are:
– Checked—Removes the port mirroring session.
– Unchecked—Maintains the port mirroring session.
Adding a port mirroring session:
1 Open the Port Mirroring page.
2 Click Add. The Add Source Port page opens.
Add Source Port
Define the Source Port and Ty p e fields.
4 Click Apply Changes. The new source port is defined, and the device is updated.