230 Configuring Switch Information
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Defining Static Addresses
The Static MAC Address page contains a list of static MAC addresses. Static addresses can
be added and removed from the Static MAC Address page. In addition, several MAC
addresses can be defined for a single port. To open the Static MAC Address page:
• Click Switch > Address Tables > Static Address in the Tree View. The Add Static
MAC Address page opens.
Add Static MAC Address Page
The Add Static MAC Address page contains the following fields:
• Interface—Indicates the specific interface for which a static MAC address is added.
The possible field values are:
– Port—Indicates the specific port for which a MAC address is added.
– LAG—Indicates the specific LAG for which a MAC address is added.
• MAC Address—Specifies the MAC address listed in the Current Static Address List.
• VLAN ID—Indicates the value of the VLAN ID attached to the MAC Address.
• VLAN Name—Indicates the user-defined VLAN name.
• Status—Defines the Static MAC address status. The possible field values are:
– Permanent—Indicates the MAC address is permanent.