Configuring Switch Information 253
The Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP) page contains the following fields:
• Interface—Indicates the interface number on which RSTP is enabled.
• Fast Link—Indicates if Fast Link is enabled.
NOTE: Fast Link is enabled in the STP Port Settings page or the STP LAG Settings page. For
more information about enabling Fast Link, see "Defining STP Port Settings" or "Defining STP
LAG Settings".
• Point-to-Point Admin—Specify the port link type as point-to-point. The possible field
values are:
– Auto—Allows the device to automatically detect a point-to-point link.
– Enable—Enables establishing a point-to-point link.
– Disable—Disables establishing a point-to-point link.
• Point-to-Point Operational Status—Indicates the point-to-point operating state.
• Activate Protocol Migration —Activates protocol migration. Protocol migration
allows protocols to renegotiate with neighboring switches by testing the ports to see if
they can migrate to RSTP. The possible field values are:
– Checked—Activates protocol migration.
– Unchecked—Disables protocol migration.
Enabling Rapid STP:
1 Open the Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP) page.
2 Define the Point-to-Point Admin, Protocol Operation, and Activate Protocol
Migration fields.
3 Click Apply Changes. The RSTP is enabled, and the device is updated.
Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP) Table