124 Configuring System Information
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• UDP Port (1-65535)—Indicates the UDP port to which the logs are sent for the
selected server. The possible range is 1 - 65,535. The default value is 514.
• Facility—Indicates the facility mapping level for the selected server. The default value
is Local 0. The possible values are:
– Local 0 - Local 7.
– No Map.
• Description—Displays the user-defined server description.
• Delete Server—Deletes the currently selected server from the Available Servers list.
The possible field values are:
– Checked—Deletes the server from the Available Servers list.
– Unchecked—Maintains the server in the Available Servers list.
The Remote Logs Server Settings page also contains a severity list. The severity definitions
are the same as the severity definitions on the "Global Log Parameters Page".
Sending logs to a server:
1 Open the Remote Logs Server Settings page.
2 Select a server from the Available Servers drop-down list.
3 Define the UDP Port, Facility, and Description fields.
4 Select the log severity in the Severity to Include check boxes.
5 Click Apply Changes. The log settings are saved, and the device is updated.
Defining a new server:
1 Open the Remote Logs Server Settings page.
2 Click Add. The Add a Log Server page opens.