Configuring System Information 145
• Management Method—Specifies the management method for which the access
profile is defined. The possible field values:
– All—Indicates all management methods are assigned to the Access Profile. Users
with this Access Profile can access the device using all management methods.
– Telnet—Indicates all Telnet sessions are assigned to the Access Profile. Users with
this Access Profile access the device using the Telnet management method.
– Secure Telnet—Indicates Secure Telnet sessions are assigned to the Access Profile.
Users with this Access Profile access the device using the Secure Telnet
management method.
– HTTP—Indicates HTTP sessions are assigned to the Access Profile. Users with
this Access Profile access the device using the HTTP management method.
– Secure HTTP—Indicates Secure HTTP sessions are assigned to the Access
Profile. Users with this Access Profile access the device using the Secure HTTP
management method.
– SNMP—Indicates SNMP sessions are assigned to the Access Profile. Users with
this Access Profile access the device using the SNMP management method.
• Interface—Specifies the interface to which the rule applies. The possible field values
– Port—Indicates the interface is a port, and the specific port for which the Access
Profile is defined.
– LAG —Indicates the interface is a LAG, and the specific LAG for which the
Access Profile is defined.
– VLAN—Indicates the interface is a VLAN, and the specific VLAN for which the
Access Profile is defined.
• Source IP Address—Indicates the interface source IP address to which the packet is
• Network Mask—Indicates the interface network mask to which the packet is matched.
• Prefix Length—Indicates the prefix length to which the packet is matched.
• Action—Defines the Management Security Rule action. The possible field values are:
– Permit—Permits management access to the defined interface.
– Deny—Denies management access to the defined interface.
3 Define the Access Profile Name field.
4 Define the Rule Priority, Management Method, Interface, Source IP, Network Mask,
Prefix Length, and Action fields.