Configuring Switch Information 279
Defining LAG Membership
The LAG Membership page allows network managers to assign ports to LAGs. LAGs can
include up to 8 ports. Currently PowerConnect 3324/3348 supports 6 LAGs per system,
whether the device is a standalone device or in a stack. The LAG Membership Table
contains the following rows:
• LACP—Indicates if the port is dynamic by allowing it to become a LAG member.
• LAG—Adds a port to a LAG, and indicates the specific LAG to which the port
To open the LAG Membership page:
•Click Switch > Link Aggregation > LAG Membership Tab in the Tree View. The
LAG Membership page opens.
LAG Membership Page
Adding a port to a LAG:
1 Open the LAG Membership page.
2 Toggle under the port number to assign the LAG setting and number.
3 Click Apply Changes. The port is added to the LAG, and the device is updated.
Assigning Ports to LAGs Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for assigning ports to LAGs
as displayed in the LAG Membership page.