
MX410/MX412 System Manual Menu Descriptions
61189500L1-1B PRELIMINARY 5-47
1. FE (Frame bit Error): This parameter indicates the occurrence of a frame bit error in the received frame bit pattern.
2. CS (Controlled Slip): This parameter indicates the replication or deletion of the 192 payload bits of a DS1 frame by
the receiving unit.
3. SEF (Severely Errored Frame): This parameter indicates that two or more frame bit errors are detected in a window.
4. AIS (Alarm Indication Signal): This parameter indicates the detection of an unframed signal with a 1s density of at
least 99.9% for a time.
5. CRC-6 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) error - used in ESF mode only: This parameter indicates the existence of a
CRC-6 code that is not identical to the corresponding locally calculated code.
Table 5-26. Performance Monitoring Definitions
T1 PM Parameter Definition Description
CV-L Code Violation - Line This parameter indicates the number of Bipolar Viola-
tions (BPVs) and Excessive Zeros (EXZs) that have
occurred during the accumulation period.
ES-L Errored Seconds - Line This parameter indicates the number of seconds for
which one or more Line Coding Violations (CV-Ls), or
one or more Loss of Signal (LOS) defects occurred.
SES-L Severely Errored Seconds - Line This parameter indicates the number of seconds with
1544 or more CV-Ls or one or more LOS defects.
LOSS-L Loss of Signal Second - Line This parameter indicates the number of seconds for
which one or more LOS defects occurred.
CV-P Code Violation - Path SF Mode: This parameter indicates the number of
frame synchronization bit errors that have occurred
during the accumulation period.
ESF Mode: This parameter indicates the number of
CRC-6 errors that have occurred during the accumula-
tion period.
ES-P Errored Seconds - Path SF Mode: This parameter indicates the number of
seconds containing any of the following:
FE errors
CS events
SEF defects
AIS defects
ESF Mode: This parameter indicates the number of
seconds containing any of the following:
CRC-6 errors
CS events
SEF defects
AIS defects
SES-P Severely Errored Seconds - Path SF Mode: This parameter indicates the number of
seconds with 8 or more FE events or one or more SEF
or AIS defects.
ESF Mode: This parameter indicates the number of
seconds with 320 or more CRC-6 errors or one or more
SEF or AIS defects.
SAS-P Severely Errored Frame/AIS
Second - Path
This parameter indicates the number of seconds
containing one or more SEF defects or one or more AIS
UAS-P Unavailable Second - Path This parameter indicates the number of seconds for
which the DS1 path contains 10 contiguous SESs.
CSS-P Controlled Slip Second - Path This parameter indicates the number of seconds
containing one or more controlled frame slips.