
MX410/MX412 System Manual Menu Descriptions
61189500L1-1B PRELIMINARY 5-19
Alarm Pass Thru
Table 5-6. DS1 Provisioning Menu Options
Option Description Function
1 Line Length This option sets the line length (line build out) for each port inter-
face according to the distance from the MX410/MX412 to the other
Options for line length are as follows:
1 - Set line length from 0 to 133 feet
2 - Set line length from 133 to 266 feet
3 - Set line length from 266 to 399 feet
4 - Set line length from 399 to 533 feet
5 - Set line length from 533 to 655 feet
6 - –22.5 dB
•7 -15 dB
8 - –7.5 dB
•9 - 0 dB
2 Line Coding This option sets the line code for each individual port interface to
match the connected device.
Options for line coding are as follows:
•1 - AMI
•2 - B8ZS
3 Loopback Detection This option enables or disables whether a port responds to CSU
and FDL loopback requests coming from the network.
4 Framing This option sets the framing. Options for framing are as follows:
1 - ESF (Extended Super Frame)
2 - SF (Super Frame).
5 SNMP Line Status
This option enables or disables the SNMP line status trap state.
6 SNMP Link Status
This option enables or disables the SNMP link status trap state.
7 Circuit ID This option contains a user-configurable text string field to name
the selected port. This field accepts up to 32 alphanumeric charac-
ters, including spaces and special characters.
8 Interface State This option is viewed using the Toggle command and sets the
interface state to either enabled or disabled.
9 Alarm Pass Thru This option enables or disables semi-transparency for visibility
through the cross connect to remote devices. This option enables
the selected DS1 to transmit RAI when any cross-connected DS1 is
in alarm or receiving RAI.