
61189500L1-1B PRELIMINARY 5-1
Section 5
User Interface
This section provides detailed information on the following:
“System Management” on page 5-1
“Logging in to the MX410/MX412” on page 5-2
“Menu Structure” on page 5-3
“Menu Layout and Navigation” on page 5-4
“Menu Tree” on page 5-5
“Menu Descriptions” on page 5-11
MX410/MX412 management and provisioning is facilitated by a series of intuitive menus that
are accessible on a computer screen. The MX410/MX412 provides two methods for
management access:
“Craft Interface” on page 5-1
“Telnet Session” on page 5-2
Craft Interface
Connection to the MX410/MX412 menus can be made through the DB-9 connector, labeled
CRAFT, on the front of the MX410/MX412. A DB-9 straight cable is required.
Most personal computers or laptops can run communications software that will emulate a
VT100 terminal. Windows programs such as Terminal or HyperTerminal are two such
examples in the Windows format, but there are many other adequate, commercially available
software packages, virtually all of which allow the PC or laptop to emulate a VT100 terminal.
Certain configuration items must be set on a PC or laptop to act as a VT100 terminal for the
MX410/MX412 as follows:
1. Set the parameters of the communications software to the following settings:
Data Rate: 115200 bps
Asynchronous Data Format as follows:
Eight data bits