MX410/MX412 System Manual Menu Tree
61189500L1-1B PRELIMINARY 5-5
Table 5-1 shows the general keyboard commands for the MX410/MX412.
Menu trees are maps that can be used to locate provisioning options with ease. This
subsection provides a detailed set of menu trees for the MX410/MX412. Some of the menu
trees span multiple pages, signified by the “(Continued)” at the end of the illustration title.
Table 5-1. MX410/MX412 Keyboard Commands
Keyboard Command Description
BACKSPACE This keyboard command is used to delete the character to left of
the cursor during keyboard input.
ENTER (or Return) This keyboard command is used to terminate input.
ESC This keyboard command is used to clear partial input data, or if
none, return to previous menu.
CTRL+A (Control and a) This keyboard command is used to acknowledge all alarms.
CTRL+C or D (Control and c or d) This keyboard command is used to logout and disconnect.
CTRL+R (Control and r) This keyboard command is used to refresh the display.