61189500L1-1B PRELIMINARY 2-1
Section 2
Engineering Guidelines
This section provides engineering guidelines for network designers who are incorporating an
MX410 or MX412 system into their network.
Table 2-1 provides the current draw at –48 VDC (operating range of –42 VDC to –60 VDC) and
±24 VDC (operating range of ±22 VDC to ±27 VDC) with redundant PSUs installed.
Table 2-2 provides data for determining the recommended fuse for the fuse and alarm panel
that services the MX410/MX412.
Table 2-1. Current Draw at –48 VDC and ±24 VDC
Part Number Equipment Maximum Current Draw
at –48 VDC
Maximum Current Draw
at ±24 VDC
1189500L1 MX410 0.23 amps 0.41 amps
1189512L1 MX412 0.36 amps 0.76 amps
Table 2-2. Fuse Recommendations
System Voltage Recommended Fuse
–48 VDC 2 amps, slow-blow
±24 VDC 2 amps, slow-blow